How to add attachments?

The following video and article explain the 3 different ways that attachments can be added to a SignRequest:


Option 1. The Sender clicks "Add Attachment" when preparing the document.


Old version/Template view                                                                                       New version view

Screen_Shot_2020-05-12_at_12.39.22_PM.png        Screenshot_2022-05-10_at_12.14.11_PM.png


Option 2. The Sender can "Require Attachment" from the signer.  (In this case, the signer cannot "finalize" the document until the attachment has also been uploaded.


Old version/Template view                                                                                       New version view

Screen_Shot_2020-05-12_at_12.40.57_PM.png            Screenshot_2022-05-10_at_12.28.35_PM.png


Option 3. The Signer has the option of uploading an attachment, even if it was not "required" by the sender.


Old version view                                                                                                          New version view

Screen_Shot_2020-05-12_at_12.43.39_PM.png        Screenshot_2022-05-10_at_12.35.12_PM.png

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