How to receive document attachments in the 'document signed' email

SignRequest has implemented 'document links' within 'Document Signed' emails, to improve the security of data and documents within SignRequest 'Document Signed' emails.

However, if you have a SignRequest account, you can choose to receive 'PDF attachments' within the 'document signed' emails from the 'Account' page of your SignRequest account.

If a recipient/user does not have a SignRequest account, then they will by default, receive the 'document links' in the document signed email.

If the 'Sender' has selected 'Documents as attachments' within the environment the document is sent from ('team' or 'personal), the 'Document Signed' email will contain the PDF attachments, if the recipients' SignRequest 'Account settings' are also set as 'Documents as attachments'.


How to enable 'documents as attachments' within your 'personal' profile

1. Go to your 'Account' page of your SignRequest account.

2. Scroll down to the 'Document settings' and check the 'Send documents as email attachments'.

3. Select 'Save'.


How to enable 'documents as attachments' within your 'team' profile(s)

1. Login to your 'team' profile. -> Personal vs. Team Profile
2. Go to the 'teams' page.

3. Scroll down to 'Document settings' and check the 'Send documents as email attachments'.

4. Select 'Save'.


Any new 'users' of SignRequest, will receive the 'document links' within the 'Document Signed' email by default. If they wish to receive 'attachments', they will be required to subscribe to the 'Free' plan and select this setting within their SignRequest account from the 'Account' page.

If a receiver (signer) has their SignRequest 'Account settings' with 'documents as attachments' disabled or are a new user/recipient of a SignRequest, then they will receive 'Document Links', no matter what the 'Senders' settings are. 'Document Links' are considered more secure than 'document attachments', so they override senders' settings.

What users receive if the 'Sender' has enabled the 'Documents as attachments' setting within their document sending environment

New user/signer = Document links
Registered user with SignRequest account = Depends on their account settings

What users receive if the 'Sender' has disabled the 'Documents as attachments' setting within their document sending environment

New user/signer = Document links
Registered user with SignRequest account = Document links

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