You've been invited to a team - this is what you need to know!


Please watch the video if you have just been invited to a team and are new to SignRequest. 

 As shared in the video, please make sure you are using your "team" account, not your "personal" account due to the reason it will be recognized by the software as a 'Free SignRequest account. For more information on the difference between the personal and team account you can click here.

Below we have listed a few links and articles that might be of help to you to get known with the product quickly and efficiently

To create a password for your SignRequest account, follow the process of 'Resetting your password' in the following article.

--> Login Issues/ Reset Password <-- 


To start, it might be helpful for you to just test out the platform and send a SignRequest. This article below will show you how you can send a SignRequest.

--> How to Send a SignRequest <--

There are a lot of different custom settings that you can apply when it comes to preparing and sending a SignRequest. You can for example add an order of signing or you can prefill a document. We have created separate articles for all possible workflows. If you click on the link below you will be redirected to the place in the Help Center where you will find an overview of all these workflows.

--> Preparing & Sending Documents <--

The 'My documents' folder functions as a central hub where all your documents but also the documents of other team members are stored. This is the place where you are also able to see the status of the SignRequest that you have sent out.  Note: There is a chance that the team administrator applied the teamsetting in a way that all sent out SignRequests will only be visible for you.

--> "My Documents" Section Explained <--

In case you have a workflow that requires you to send the same exact document with slight variables it might be really useful for you to make use of our templates functionality. If you would like to know how you can create templates please click on the link below/

--> How to create a template? <--


In case you have a question that has not been answered yet we advise you to have a look in our help center. If you are unable to find an answer to your question you can contact us by submitting a ticket.

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