Teams Explained

The teams feature is a great way to work with other SignRequest users, share templates, organize documents, and create a customizable workflow.  With teams, you can upload a company logo, change the theme color, and add team members.

In order to have access to the teams feature, you will need to be subscribed to a Pro or Business plan.  The Pro plan allows for 1 team, and the Business plan allows for unlimited teams.

Teams are created from the "Teams" tab in the dropdown menu on the home page:



Branding and Customization

After you have entered the Team Name and SignRequest Subdomain, click "Create". You will then be able to upload a company logo, change the theme color, and add team members.



Adding Team Members


The primary account owner will be the person to create the teams for their company.  Then other users may be invited to teams.  To invite other users, first make sure you are logged into the team account by choosing it from the dropdown list:



To invite the user, enter their email address in the field in the member's section as shown here:


*Only the owners of teams can invite other users to the teams. 


Setting a Default team

The 'default team' when logging in to your SignRequest account is your 'Personal' account. You can change this from the 'Account' page to any 'team' account that you are a member of by selecting the drop-down of your 'Default Team', select your preferred 'default team', then select 'Save' and refresh your browser.




Additional Information regarding teams:

 The primary account owner will be able to oversee all documents, templates, and users within all of the teams.

It is possible to set other team members as 'owners' (admins) of teams.  If you would like to set certain team members to 'team owner/ admin' status, please submit a request to the help center.

Team members will only have access to templates and sent documents within the team they are members of.  If you would like to set the user permissions up in a way to where team members can NOT see the documents of other team members, please submit a request to the help center.

The same member can be added to multiple teams, and that will only count as one user license for the account.

Team members who have been invited to teams must be logged in under the team account in order to have access to the paid features.  If they are logged in under their Personal account, they will be treated as a Free subscriber.  If you are a team member that has been invited to a team, and you are noticing alerts telling you to "upgrade", it is because you are logged in under your personal account.  Simply toggle over to the team account to have access to the paid features.


Templates and Documents

Each team account will have its own "My Documents" folder, and its own "Templates" folder.  This is to separate different "sent" documents and templates by the team. 

All members of a team will be able to see all "sent" documents for that team.  All team members of a team will also share the templates folder, so they can easily create templates for other team members to use.

For more information about organizing documents using teams, click here.

Additional help articles regarding teams:

How to create a branded team account and invite team members 

How to switch between your personal and team account

What is the difference between the personal and team account?

How to organize documents and templates


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